A 10-Week Challenge To Look & Feel Your Best For Summer!

Most people want to look and feel good in the Summer but driving kids to and from camp and taking vacations gets in the way. In the 10-WT, you'll stay on track throughout the summer and you'll look & feel great in your favorite bathing suit!

Reclaim confidence in your health

If you're reading this, then you used to have more confidence in your health and fitness. But now your kids take up so much of your time, or you got busy with your career, and now health and fitness seem to be the first thing that take a back seat.

That's totally normal and VERY fixable.

It's time to overcome the chaos of life and reclaim the confidence in your body that you once had.

The 10-WT exists to help busy, go-getters stay focused on their health and fitness no matter what season of life they’re in so that they remain confident, energized, and impactful in all areas of their life.

And the 10-WT has helped over 800 people regain the confidence that they once had in their health and it can do the same for you! 

Limited Spots Available - Spots Will Fill Up!

Make Healthy Habits Part Of Who You Are!

You're reading this because you're someone who has been good with your exercising and eating habits in the past but you struggle with consistency. 

You're probably a former high-school or college athlete who struggles to seamlessly integrate health and fitness into your everyday life.

You have a career and/or kids that make things that much more difficult.

The truth is you've done things that have worked in the past, but not for the long haul.

The 10-Week Transformation provides you the tools to hit your goals in the short-term but the approach to sustain the results for the long-term.

You'll start by making small promises to yourself. Those small wins turn into your habits. And over time those habits turn into your identity.

Transform both the way you look in the mirror and the way you look at yourself in the mirror.

I'm excited to help you look and feel your best!

Talk to you soon,


Limited Spots Available - Spots Will Fill Up!

Forming healthy habits at the beginning of the year is a game changer.

You have the opportunity to set the tone at the beginning of the calendar year!

You have the opportunity to make this year different.

To make this the year you take your fitness to a whole new level.

To make this the year you eat healthy consistently all year long!

But you need:

- Someone holding you accountable

- Someone to provide you with continuous motivation

- A group of individuals to keep you encouraged

That's exactly what you'll get with the 10-WT. The 10-WT has helped 568+ people take their health to a whole new level.

We'll help you make living a healthy lifestyle simple so you can look and feel your best!

The perfect summer fitness routine to shed body fat and look and feel amazing! You'll feel like a lean mean fighting machine all summer long.

Is the 10-WT for you?

10-WT members are encouraging, non judgmental, and eager to improve! 

Of the 800+ past participants of the 10-WT there have been both beginners and Iron Man athletes.

All workouts can and will be adjusted to suit your experience level, your skillset, and your personal goals.

Here's What They Said...

What I really love about the 10-Week Transformation is that Nick is really personal. I was really struggling because my energy levels were low, my stress levels were high, and I lost the motivation for working out and Nick brought that back for me...And honestly I saw results right away!

- Sam

Before I started the program, I was feeling cruddy. I had put on weight, my clothes were fitting differently, I lacked confidence, and I knew I wanted to make a change. I walked away losing weight, building confidence and as a much better version of myself for me, my husband, and my two kids.

- Lori

I started the program because after I had kids, I needed to form new habits that supported me long term. I was nervous before getting started but I’m so glad because I surprised myself with what I was capable of doing. The accountability from Nick and the rest of the group was huge!

- Lindsey

I was feeling really sluggish, tired, and full of excuses. I lacked motivation and hadn't worked out in 3 years...I have 3 kids and realized I need to take control of my health...I love the accountability, the fact that there are all different fitness levels of people in the class. Nick's energy is infectious and everyone is so encouraging to get you back on track if you fall off. You have nothing to lose, only something to gain. I loved it so much that I'm back for round 2!

- Laura

I was struggling to get back on track and needed some accountability to help make it a priority. The goal setting conversations are really helpful and it's very much focused on changing your mindset as well as your physical health. I'm feeling stronger, more energized, and overall just less anxious about my health because I have a plan. The 10-WT makes it easy to stay on track.

- Katie

I really like the accountability - Nick texts us every week. When I finished my first 10-WT, I was in the best shape of my life. I've gotten stronger and have already lost 10lbs in the first half of the virtual program. Nick really pushed me to think about what my goals were - especially when it came to what I was eating and drinking.

- Ben

Limited Spots Available - Spots Will Fill Up!

The 2025 10-WT Calendar

Now - for the first time ever - you can sign up for the 10-WT Annual Pass! Meaning, you can sign up for all 4 of the 10-WTs in advance, save your spot, and get discounted pricing!

A Few More...

"My favorite part of the program was the direct results I saw, both on the scale and at the gym. I was able to lose 12lbs and gain skill that are beyond just fitness."

- Hilary B.

"I did Nick's program multiple times in a row. First, I was able to consistently make good decisions, then I was able to from those decisions into habits. Eventually, those habits allowed me to ultimately build a new sustainable lifestyle

Simply put, it changed my life."

- Beau H.

"As you go through the program step by step, you will have all the essentials 

to build a new sustainable lifestyle. I think everyone's goal is to feel different and you certainly will after Nick's program."

- Jennifer P.

"Where I started versus where I've come through the 10-WT! 🙌🤯 

This is insane, and I just couldn't have even imagined gaining this much ground! I cannot say enough amazing things about Nick's approach to becoming a better version of myself, and highly recommend checking the 10-WT if you're looking to build on any fitness goals! It's 100% customized, and built especially for you! Whatever your level of fitness and health, this man is a game changer!"

- Christine C.

Accountability -> Consistency -> Results 

I know eating healthy and exercising consistently is so difficult...

Especially throughout the holiday season.

There are endless opportunities to over indulge and get out of a good routine...

Halloween, Kid's School Parties, Football Watch Parties, Tailgating, Friendsgivings, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Parties. 

There are plenty of chances to add on weight throughout the holiday season and feel crappy at the end of the year.

But I'm here to make sure that's not the case for you.

The 10-Week Transformation will provide you with the motivation, structure, and accountability you need to keep you consistent DESPITE all the challenges that holiday season throws at you.

The 10-WT has worked for 512 people (and counting) just like you.

Don't be one of the many people who gain weight throughout the holidays. Finish 2023 looking and feeling like the best version of yourself!

You got this!!! 

The thing you don't realize is...

You're Flushing Your Money Down The Toilet.

If you're exercising because you want to achieve a goal but you're not making any progress, then you're wasting your own hard-earned money!

You're Wasting Time.

We have a finite period of time on this earth to get closer to our best selves, and you don't want to waste that doing things that won't help you get there. 

You're Not Surrounded By The Right People.

You're the average of the top 5 people you hang around. You've all heard that before. And that means you're probably not around a group of highly motivated people who are also chasing down their goals.

The Good News Is...Guaranteed Results Are On The Horizon!
Not many people can say they guarantee their clients will get results.

But it hasn't always been that way for me...

The 6 Foundational Steps:
1. Build Your BYG

2. Set Your Success Indicator (SI)

3. Follow the 4 Rules to Clean Eating

4. Identify Your Progress Indicators (PI's)

5. Plan Your "PILS"

6. Set Up Your Best You Scoreboard 

I love to win, but I hate losing more than I love winning. I love when my clients hit their goals, but I hate it when I see them frustrated with where they are.

When I started as a personal trainer, I was so excited to start changing people's lives. I was pumped to see people put their mind to their goal and then achieve it.

But early on, I realized that so many people struggled to stay consistent. My clients would do well working out for 2 weeks, 4 weeks, maybe even 8 weeks but then they'd fall off. My clients would eat really healthy for 10 days straight but then on days 11, 12, and 13 they'd eat fried food, eat all the sweets, and erase any progress they had made.

The Results Are Sure To Come

An easy-to-follow plan will give you motivation to get out of bed in the morning. It allows you to be the person who walks into the gym confident in the workout you're about to crush! 

You'll walk into the kitchen knowing what you're supposed to eat, how much of it to eat, and when you're supposed to eat it.

You won't waste your time doing the same thing over and over again that hasn't been working. You won't be frustrated trying to figure out what diet is right for you. 

You'll have customized workouts to get you to your goal.

You'll have a nutrition plan (NOT A DIET) that is sustainable and will get your habits on track!

The best part is...

You'll finally LOOK FORWARD TO working out!

You'll know how to set up your goal, what workouts to do, what to be eating, and you'll have a way to track and monitor your progress!

The Proven 10-Week Goal-Setting Program

Act Fast! Only 12 Spots Available!

What I'll Help You With:

The perfect summer fitness routine to shed body fat and look and feel amazing! You'll feel like a lean mean fighting machine all summer long.


The workouts are strength and conditioning based. Meaning you'll get stronger while having plenty of opportunity of raising your heart rate.

The perfect mix to help you build muscle and lose fat.

The In-Person 10-WT Workouts are the best workouts in Nashville and the Virtual Workouts are the best at home workouts on the market. 

The perfect summer fitness routine to shed body fat and look and feel amazing! You'll feel like a lean mean fighting machine all summer long.


Everyone is coming from a unique place with their eating habits. I will meet you where you are. For some of you that will mean more closely tracking your macros; for some of you that will mean bringing your lunch to work more consistently; and for some of you that will be ordering healthy meals when eating out.

Each one of you will have a customized weekly nutrition goal for yourself.

The perfect summer fitness routine to shed body fat and look and feel amazing! You'll feel like a lean mean fighting machine all summer long.

Goal Setting

The 5-Steps To Goal Success video course will help you break down your big goal into weekly goals and then daily goals. 

You'll keep track of your progress via a scoreboard and I'll check in with you each week. 

The perfect summer fitness routine to shed body fat and look and feel amazing! You'll feel like a lean mean fighting machine all summer long.


I want you to hit your goals. But more than that I want you to become the type of person who follows through with the promises that you make to yourself.

I want you to build trust and confidence in yourself. I want you to be able to rely on yourself when s*** hits the fan. You are capable of more than you think, and I'm here to bring it out of you!

You'll know how to set up your goal, what workouts to do, what to be eating, and you'll have a way to track and monitor your progress!

The Proven 10-Week Goal-Setting Program

Act Fast! Only 12 Spots Available!

What If I'm Going To Miss A Lot Of Workouts?

It's very likely you'll miss some of the 10-WT Workouts due to work travel, family travel, or unforeseen circumstances.

It's almost impossible to find a 10 week period in the calendar year when you're 100% in town.

So, if you're going to miss some that's okay.

When you're out of town, I will provide you with access to the corresponding Virtual 10-WT video workouts to make up for it.

However, for the In-Person 10-WT, my rule of thumb is if you think you're going to miss 3 weeks or more, wait for another 10-WT.

If you're going to miss less than 3 weeks, it's still worth your time and money. I will be here to make it so you hit your workouts and eat healthier even when you're on the road.


#1. Clean Eatz Exclusive Pricing

$20 off every $100 of purchases

Clean Eatz is Nashville's most trusted and delicious meal prep company. They have 40-50 different options that are macro friendly, and are easy to consume for those who don't like to cook and for those with a busy lifestyle

#2. Restore Wellness Discount

15% off Membership Pricing

Need to take care of your body better? Cryotherapy, compression, infrared sauna, and red light therapy are some of the best options to ensure your body is working for you and not against you. As a 10-WT Member you will get 15% off membership packages.

#3. Fortitude Sports Therapy Exclusive Discount 

15% Off Your First Visit

Michael Jordan (no, not the NBA star) is the most trusted Sports Therapist in Nashville. He consults with the Vanderbilt Baseball team amongst other Vandy and Professional sports teams. 

As a 10-WT Member you will receive exclusive pricing so he can diagnose your pain and provide you with homework to alleviate it and prevent it from re-occurring.

#1. The 10-WT Workbook 

Step-By-Step Guide

In your 10-WT workbook you will record your strength and performance in week 1 and will be able to compare it to your strength and performance in week 10. 

The 10-WT workbook will also serve as your step-by-step guide to keep you on track throughout the 10 weeks.

#2. The Out of Town Workout Plan

Workout Workbook and Videos

Think you'll be out of town for some of the workouts? Not to worry.

Nick will help to provide you with written workouts and/or workout videos to keep you on track while you're gone.

#3. The Healthy Eating Bundle

The Healthy Eating Bundle

Receive access to the 10-WT Grocery List, a Meal Planner, the Healthy Snacks and Sweets Guide, and more!

You're going to learn about what to eat and how much of it in order to look and feel your best!

More Feedback We've Received:

More Details...

  • Immediately upon confirming your spot, you will receive an email to create your login, watch a few videos from Nick and set your goal

  • The program will go from April 14th to June 20th

  • 1-hour Group workouts will be on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday for 10 weeks in a row. 

  • ​Location of the workouts will vary depending on timeslot and day of the week - see next page for more specifics

  • ​Group Accountability Sessions will be held after each workout for 5-10 minutes

The 2025 10-WT Calendar

Now - for the first time ever - you can sign up for the 10-WT Annual Pass! Meaning, you can sign up for all 4 of the 10-WTs in advance, save your spot, and get discounted pricing!

Still want to hear more...

Here's what they said about it...

Tara loves how 10-Week Transformation has impacted all areas of her life!

Lori loves how the 10-WT has positively impacted the rest of her family!

Rolf has been defying Father Time because of the 10-WT!

Nick Carrier

I am a Master Fitness Expert on Goal-Achievement and Habit Formation.

Over the last 8 years I have coached 5,000+ fitness classes, have hosted 10+ large fitness events, and coached over 800 people and counting through the program I created - The 10-Week Transformation. 

As a Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, and Fitness Nutrition Specialist and 8 years of coaching at Orangetheory Fitness and Echelon Fitness I'm widely regarded as THE Transformation expert by working professionals with busy lives.

My expertise on goal setting and habit formation has been featured in Today in Nashville, News Channel 5, and on numerous podcasts across the world.

With my best-in-class coaching I help busy professionals and parents who feel struggle to stay consistent to take control of their health utilizing my 10-Week Transformation Program.

Answers to FAQ:

  • ​I'm going to have to miss some workouts, what should I do? Inevitably people’s schedules include travel. That can be one of the biggest reasons fall of their goals because of travel. Then they come back home feeling like crap and feeling like they need to start over. With the 10-WT we will support in getting great workouts in on the road and in eating healthier than you otherwise would. If you’re going to miss more than 6 workouts, then consider another 10-WT. If you’re going to miss 6 or less, it’s still worth it. And upon request, you can move around time slots as need be. You will be able to discuss this with Nick.

  • How difficult are the workouts? If you’re feeling intimidated to start because of a fear of the workouts, then you wouldn’t be the first. I understand – it’s scary to do something new. But the workouts are programmed in a way that challenges all fitness levels appropriately. We have people of all shapes, sizes, and ability levels participate. And our community of participants are so supportive and nonjudgmental. You don’t have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great!

  • What kind of workouts are they? Everyone is looking to improve their body composition. We all want to look a little more toned and shed some body fat. And that’s exactly what you’ll get from these workouts. You’ll be able to look in the mirror and feel tight all around and be proud of the way you look and feel. The workouts will include some strength training, some HIIT, and some plyometrics. We will adjust exercises to challenge you appropriately based on your ability level. 

Where are the workouts located?

Mondays at 5am and 6am are at Calisthenics Training Center:

2517 Eugenia Ave Suite 204, Nashville, TN 37211

Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5am and 6am are at Get Fit Anytime:

2807 Biloxi Ave, Nashville, TN 37204

Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays at 10am are at CrossFit Music City:

1121 12th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37203

Still have more questions?

Email: [email protected]

Step #1: Contact Information

Step #2: Shipping Address

Step #3: Check out

You Deserve To 

Look AND Feel Your Best! 

I know that if you're reading this you're the kind of person who wants to look and feel better than you currently do.

You're probably frustrated because you know what you should be doing...

You know what to eat, you just struggle to do it consistently...

You know your workouts are okay, but you're not going to work as hard by yourself as you would with a trainer...

That's why the 10-WT is for you. 

We provide you with the guidance as to what you should eat and how much of it.

We provide you a workout plan that is programmed to help you burn body fat AND build lean muscle leaving you feeling more confident than ever before in your ability and your looks.

I want you to be bigger than your excuses and finally get to the point where you're looking and feeling like the best version of yourself!

Let's make that happen and get started with the 10-WT today!

- Nick

Nick lost 23lbs in 10 Weeks and was more disciplined than ever before!

Hillary lost 16lbs and is so much more confident in herself and her own discipline! 

Hear how Beth is now applying principles she learned from the program to her everyday life! 

Now it's time....

No more frustration. Just results.

When I was frustrated with a lack of consistency from my clients, I needed to find a way to create something that worked for everyone. I needed to find a system that allowed everyone to be successful. 

That's why I've come up with this 10-Week Program. The Goal-Setting Domination video course allows you to do the necessary work to clarify your goal and strategy. The Bulletproof Fitness System will give you the workouts and execution tips you need to keep you on track. The 3 Rules to Eating Clean will eliminate confusion with your nutrition plan. 

Every day that goes by that you don't take advantage of this offer you're going to wonder what if. You're going to wonder what would have been possible if I had just started today? What would the scale have said if I had just started? 

Take control of your health today so you're not frustrated with your results tomorrow. 

I love when my clients win. But I HATE IT when my clients lose. That's why I created this program. I created it so you don't have to lose anymore. So you can be the healthiest version of you!

I guarantee if you commit yourself to this program, you won't regret it.  

Here's to taking charge of your health and getting closer to your Best You...

- Nick Carrier